Sorry , I...I told you guys that I will write in english on this blog, but I can't I have friends from Romania...and...sorry , where I wrote "intrati pe " is "enter" ...Sorry , I'm really sorry
I've think that I have to write in english ...all on this blog. So if you are from another country you can follow this blog and see what's new on stardoll , how to get free stuff ,just follow you and your friends. I'm sorry for romanian people ...but....I will put some posts in romanian
For Flag: 5)Remember to wait till contest pages loads 6)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual Items will be in giftboxes in your suite [:
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Just click here : HERE (CLICK AICI)
APASATI cifra 9 in calendar si da "buy"
Ii vei gasi intr-o cutie de cadou in casa ta , langa dulapul cu haine :)
You should find it in your suite :)
Cine are haine DKNY SAU ANTIDOTE cumparate cu 2 sd ??va rog spuneti-mi de unde le-ati luat asa ieftine contactati-ma in guestbookul meu : cristinagirl9.
1)Go to USA (Be sure to Close the ads) 2)Copy and Paste clubs link in the blank box: 3)Hit Enter or Click on 'Click Here to Start Browsing' button 4)Log in stardoll and Click Join this club, Yes 5)Wait till page loads, Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual Bag will be in a Dove Backpackand other items will be coming as club will reach more members [: